Beauty · Skin Care

Beauty Treat – Honey Cleansing

Natural Face cleanser

I have always loved experimenting with natural ingredients and considered those the best alternative for harsh chemicals, even though it takes a bit longer to achieve the results but they are worth the wait. That said, I was not a very patient person and used to quit any routine I followed within two weeks and sit in disappointment but that never stopped me from experimenting. And I intend to continue with that even now.  ;)

If you have been on this space for a bit longer you might already know how I despised moisturizers especially face moisturizers because I have a very oily skin and I thought moisturizing  made it more oilier. I did anything and everything to make it less oilier and more dry *Yeah, That Stupid Me!* and in that process my skin struggled, producing more oil and making my face look like an oil volcano erupted on it! I was stupid to not realize that earlier.

Last winter I decided to give my natural treatment another try and started using Honey (unprocessed)  as my beauty treat, surprisingly I have felt much better. I have been using it as a cleanser for almost three months and the result is healthy moisturized skin which is a lot more soft and smooth. I do not have excess oil problem now, I noticed that my skin wasn’t oily when I woke up in morning and I knew using honey was my best decision. It moisturizes my skin along with removing dirt or grime and combats acne leaving my skin healthier.


Cleansing Routine: I use it twice or thrice in a day depending on my need. But I never miss using it before bed and in mornings. Keep in mind that I have been strictly on honey cleansing routine and did not use any other face wash or cleansers in the meanwhile.

Application: Wash your face, pat dry. Take a small amount of honey 1 or 2 teaspoon, rub it between your hands and apply on face in circular motion for at least 1 minute, you can add a bit of water if it’s too thick. Rinse it off or you can let it stay for 5 to 10 minutes and then wash.

Along with using it as a cleanser I mix it with some ingredients for a face mask once in a week to combat my acne. I haven’t followed the mask routine regularly but I have tried these two masks alternatively though I intend to continue the first one now.

1. Honey and Cinnamon Mask: I have used it in my earlier teenage too but quit it because I was not very patient. This mask is known for treating acne and acne marks effectively. For some unknown reason I love it and I will try to follow with it regularly now.

Method: All you need is 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder. Mix it well to form a paste. Apply it on the effective area or complete face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes then wash it off.

2. Honey and Lemon Mask: This is also known to treat acne effectively. It can be used with all the mentioned or selective ingredients as per your need.

Method: You will need 1 tablespoon honey, milk, yogurt and juice of half normal sized lemon. Mix all the ingredients, add a little water to form paste like consistency. Apply a layer on your face, if you have the mixture left let the first layer dry and apply a second layer. Let it stay for about 15 minutes and rinse it off with water.

This mask can be used twice or thrice in a week but always use it fresh. You can also mix honey with lemon or honey with yogurt only. I love using honey with yogurt and lemon alone.

Recommended: Always test for allergies before using anything on your face.

That’s all about my skincare routine for now, I have been loving honey cleansing and would recommend it to you guys too. Besides skincare I have been reaching out for basic makeup these days, you can check it out here and share with me yours too. I won’t be posting before next Saturday because my midterms are starting but I promise to be back with interesting posts for you guys. Do tell me about your beauty treats by commenting below. I love reading your feedback lovelies! ❤

Lots of love and good luck! Adios :) xx



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